All of the following are examples of settlements and verdicts obtained by Thomas Gallivan on behalf of his clients and their families.
$1,000,000 Nursing Home Verdict
A nursing home resident at risk for choking and required to receive pureed food was given a chicken sandwich. She choked, resulting in asphyxiation and death. The nursing home also failed to properly provide CPR.
$500,000 Nursing Home Recovery
The defendant nursing home and its doctors improperly prescribed and administered improper anti-seizure medication, resulting in our 77-year-old client’s decline in function including an inability to walk.
$490,000 Nursing Home Neglect Settlement – Kings County
A Brooklyn nursing home resident suffered a large Stage IV sacral bedsore. The bedsore recurred a few months after healing. She also suffered a fall resulting in a fracture of the right foot at the same facility.
$450,000 Bedsore Settlement
A 78-year-old developed a Stage IV pressure injury while at an area hospital. Our client underwent multiple debridements, the sore became infected and required wound vac treatment.
$450,000 Nursing Home Settlement
A 54-year-old with an ileostomy was not sent to the emergency room after vomiting in violation of his care plan resulting in aspiration, choking, and death.
Confidential Nursing Home Abuse Settlement – Richmond County
Client developed severe Stage IV pressure sore on her sacrum while a resident at a local nursing home. The pressure sore became infected, resulting in her death. Experts in nursing and geriatrics were ready to testify at trial.
$375,000 Fall/Fracture and Bedsore Settlement – Queens County
A ninety-five (95) year-old female suffering from Alzheimer’s Disease, ostearthritis and dysphagia, suffered a fractured right hip due to a fall at a Queens Nursing Home. She then developed Stage IV pressure sores to the sacrum and both heels at the same facility.
$350,000 Nursing Home Fall Recovery
An 86-year-old female client fell at a Westchester County nursing home hours after being admitted resulting in a fractured left hip with open reduction internal fixation. The facility failed to provide appropriate fall prevention measures.
$350,000 Nursing Home Bedsore Settlement – Bronx County
A seventy-three (73) year old retired factory work developed a Stage IV pressure ulcer to the sacrum. A Stage IV pressure ulcer is defined as a “full thickness tissue loss exposing bone, tendon or muscle.” Osteomyelitis, an infection of the bone, was diagnosed and multiple debridements were required. During a surgical debridement, a scalpel or other surgical tool is used to cut away dead tissue. The wound measured 12 x 12 x 7 cm.
$312,500 Nursing Home Bedsore Settlement – Bronx County
Client developed multiple Stage IV bedsores to sacrum, hip, heels and ankles. The sacral ulcer required multiple debridements.
$225,000 Nursing Home Settlement – Orange County
Eighty-six (86) year-old resident at an Orange County nursing home fell and fractured her hip. The fracture was not recognized immediately. She developed bedsores due to her immobility.
$215,000 Nursing Home Fall Settlement – Queens County
Queens nursing home failed to implement an appropriate plan of care to prevent falls. Client fell five times over a six month period. The last fall resulted in a subdural hematoma.
$170,000 Nursing Home Neglect Settlement – Orange County
Plaintiff, a 74 year-old married male, died as a result of an Orange County nursing home’s failure to monitor and act upon signs and symptoms of dehydration, malnutrtion and infection (Clostridium Difficile “C-Diff”). The unrecognized infection lead to septic shock and death.
$150,000 Nursing Home Neglect Settlement – Bronx County
An 82 year-old nursing home resident suffered two falls resulting in a fractured left humerus and a bleed in the brain (intraparenchymal hemorrhage) at a Bronx nursing home. Neither injury required surgery. This matter was settled pre-suit at the request of the client.
$150,000 Nursing Home Bedsore Settlement – Nassau County
Our client, a 91 year-old nursing home resident, suffered a Stage IV pressure ulcer to the sacrum due to the staff’s failure to turn and position her at least every two hours. She entered the facility with a Stage I pressure ulcer.
$150,000 Nursing Home Fall Settlement – Westchester County
An eighty-two (82) year-old male resident at a Westchester County Nursing Home fell and fractured his hip requiring surgery. He was at the facility for rehabilitation after a gall bladder procedure.
$120,000 Nursing Home Fall Settlement – Westchester County
A 95 year-old female fell while unsupervised by staff at a Westchester County nursing home. As a result, she suffered a fractured hip that was repaired surgically (ORIF with pins and screws).
$90,000 Nursing Home Fall Settlement – Dutchess County
Six (6) days after her admission for short-term rehabilitation, our client fell and fractured her right hip. A right hemi-arthroplasty was performed the next day.
Attorney Advertising. Results obtained by Law Offices of Thomas L. Gallivan, PLLC and its of counsel attorneys. Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.