Ramapo Manor Center For Rehabilitation, a Rockland County, New York nursing home, received an overall rating from Medicare inspectors of “much below average.” As we have previously discussed on this site, Medicare rates all New York nursing homes based on three criteria:
1) Health Inspections;
2) Nursing Home Staffing; and 3) Quality Measures.
After these three areas are analyzed an overall score is awarded. Based on a November 10, 2008 inspection, the nursing home neglected to: a) follow written care plans, b) ensure that the nutritional needs of residents were met (which can lead to pressure sores – decubiti or bed sores), c) write and use policies forbidding abuse and neglect of residents, and d) ensure that the nursing home was free of dangers that can cause accidents such as falls. In addition, Ramapo received one out of five stars based on its staff (nurses, nurse assistants) to resident ratios.