The New York State Department of Health recently published the results of a July 19, 2011 certification survey for Nesconset Center for Nursing and Rehabilitation located in Suffolk County, New York. The Department’s findings were not positive for the home, noting that the facility was deficient in no fewer than nine areas.
Among the areas in which the facility was found deficient was 42 CFR 483.25(h). According to this provision of the CFR, the facility “must ensure that (1) the resident environment remains as free of accident hazards as is possible; and (2) each resident receives adequate supervision and assistance devices to prevent accidents.” In the occurrence leading to this citation, a resident with a history of falls was observed sitting in a chair without a chair alarm. The resident’s care plan documented chair alarms as an intervention. More striking than the simple lack of a chair alarm is the fact that the resident had already fallen four times since his admission to the facility. Elderly individuals with dementia, one diagnosis of this particular patient, are always at risk for falls. Failing to implement the interventions recorded in the care plan to prevent falls is a clear violation of the resident’s rights.
The facility was also cited for deficiencies in developing and reviewing a plan of care, and proficiency of nurses aides, among other shortcomings. The Department of Health survey, detailing all citations, can be found here.